Since January of 2022, MLS has been retained by the City of Cambridge to provide planning services including processing and providing advice on Planning Act applications and various policy and administrative matters. MLS was also retained to assist the City and consulting team in completing the Main and Dundas Secondary Plan.
Since June of 2020, MLS has been retained by the Town of Stouffville to provide planning services including processing and providing advice on major Planning Act applications, preparing meeting and decision notices, and preparing and presenting staff reports to Council.
MLS was retained to complete a comprehensive review and update of the Town’s Official Plan. MLS has developed and implemented an extensive public consultation program, and has prepared several Discussion Papers covering a wide range of topic areas and issues including compatible development, evaluating neighbourhood character, affordable housing, cultural heritage, economic development, natural heritage, urban design and sustainable development.
MLS was retained by InvestorCentric to assist in securing required planning approvals and the preparation of a planning justification report to support the development of an innovative residential village in the Town of Huntsville, consisting of:
- 24 townhouses + 147 apartments in 5 buildings
- Zoning By-law Amendment Application
- Plan of Condominium Application
- Site Plan Application
Since the Spring of 2017, MLS has been retained by the Town of St. Marys to provide planning services including processing and providing advice on Planning Act applications and various policy matters, preparing meeting and decision notices, and preparing and presenting staff reports to the Committee of Adjustment, Planning Advisory Committee and Council.
MLS was retained to assist in completing a comprehensive review of the Township’s Zoning By-law. MLS worked with the Township to develop a range of innovative zoning approaches with a focus on preparing a modern Zoning By-law that is easy to understand and interpret. A comprehensive Discussion Paper was prepared to address a wide range of topic areas and issues including zoning in urban centres and employment areas, home occupations/home industries, kennels, parking, second units, shipping containers, short term rentals and source water protection.
MLS was retained to review and update the Township’s Zoning By-law. MLS developed and implemented a multifaceted public consultation strategy which brought together Council, staff and the community to create a By-law that supports the community building and economic development objectives of the Township, and protects the natural environment, rural landscapes and cultural heritage. The new Zoning By-law was enacted on October 1, 2018 with no appeals.
MLS was part of a diverse consultant team retained by the City to develop and evaluate development and servicing alternatives for the River Road neighbourhood. MLS worked with the City and the community to develop a recommended set of comprehensive Official Plan policies and Zoning By-law regulations to guide future development in the study area.
MLS was retained to prepare a new comprehensive Community Improvement Plan for the Town with the primary goal of modifying and expanding financial incentive programs in order to better meet the needs of St. Marys. Key objectives were established at the outset of the project and were successfully implemented through financial incentives to promote and support: the renewal and restoration of private buildings and properties; new local investment, partnerships, and funding; St. Marys built and cultural heritage, and unique character; efforts to reduce vacant commercial and industrial buildings and properties; and increased availability of attainable housing units.
Mark has represented and provided advice to landowners, developers and municipalities across Ontario. Communities where Mark has provided advice and/or represented clients include:
Aurora, ON
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